
About FNS-Cloud

Food & Nutrition Security Cloud is a four-year EU-funded Horizon 2020 project, which started on 1st October 2019, and includes 35 partners across Europe (fns-cloud.eu). The project aims to bring together data across a variety of research domains linked to Food and Nutrition Security, such as diet, health, consumer behaviour and agriculture, and to improve access and use of the data via ICT cloud infrastructure and services, which will also be integrated with the European Open Science Cloud initiative. The project is led by RTDS in Austria with Paul Finglas (QIB) as the Scientific Coordinator.

FNS-Cloud will contribute to overcoming European research infrastructure fragmentation by uniting FNS data essential for addressing diet, health, and consumer behaviour as well as on sustainable agriculture and the bio-economy. The implemented cloud solution will reduce knowledge gaps that inhibit public health and agricultural policy and will benefit the food industry, reducing development and production costs and will facilitate informed consumer choice and ultimately, healthier European citizens. Sustainability of the FNS-Cloud will be achieved through value added services linking research infrastructure data. FNS-Cloud data will be open access and FAIR (findable, accessible, interoperable and re-useable) and will be interoperable with the proposed Food, Nutrition and Health Research Infrastructure (FNHRI) and eROSA, as well as METROFOOD-RI and other ESFRI RIs (e.g. ELIXIR, ECRIN). The four identified scientific and technical objectives are to: 1) develop, integrate and test innovative cloud services; 2) implement and test ‘cloud platform’ (FNS-Cloud), Use cases and Demonstrators; 3) integrate different existing and emerging data, sources and formats; and 4) develop a governance model and business operations.

Read more about this project on the website.