

Scientific Lead / Contact

Prof. Bryndís Eva Birgisdóttir

Helga Gunnlaugsdóttir

National Node Iceland: Sustainable Future Food and Nutrition Security – Research Infrastructure

SAFES-IS is working to build infrastructure for sustainable FNH research in relation to Food and Nutrition Security and Sustainable Food Systems and is applying for inclusion on the first Icelandic Research Infrastructure Roadmap due 2020.

University of Iceland has five schools, Health Sciences, Social Sciences, Engineering and Natural Sciences as well as Education and Humanities. It is the largest university in Iceland with impressive research record within food, nutrition, health and environmental sciences. MATIS is a Research & Development Organisation with focus on food production, quality and innovation.

The platform is open to all universities and other governmental organisations, institutions, federations and NGOs working with food and nutrition as core entities, as sharing RI for food and nutrition is of crucial importance.

The primary aim of the platform is to ensure quality infrastructure in research fields related to consumer oriented food and nutrition security as well as for sustainable food systems. The platform has been building over the last two years. There is a common understanding around the vast opportunities that open up with co-operation around the often complex technological systems critical artillery needed for future research within sustainable food, nutrition and health.
