United Kingdom
UK Node (FNH-RI)
Scientific Lead / Contact
Paul Finglas
Prof. Dr. Monique Raats
Dr. Lada Timotijevic
The UK Node of FNH-RI, led by Quadram Institute Bioscience and the University of Surrey, brings together 20 leading organisations in public health nutrition and consumer research, establishing key capabilities that will drive a holistic ‘food systems’ approach to food safety and nutrition, and providing key opportunities to engage with national platforms for population studies (addressing Themes 5 and 6 of the report on UK’s Research and Innovation Infrastructure: Opportunities to Grow Our Capability).
Investment in new and/or substantial upgrade of existing facilities would create state-of-the-art knowledge clusters, building on expertise across existing facilities and exploiting the use of new technologies to advance our understanding of food systems, food safety and nutrition. Access to industry capabilities and campuses for food systems research in the UK and internationally may also be enabled. Through a ‘food systems’ approach, FNH-RI consolidates key capabilities in the UKRI priority infrastructure Themes (Human phenotyping, Population data for health research and Food safety and nutrition). It builds on the 2015 Cross-council vision for Food, Nutrition and Health research and the MRC/NIHR Review of Nutrition and Health that highlighted the need to develop strategies to maximise the positive impacts of food on health – from early life to increasing a healthy lifespan, and decreasing the economic and societal costs of disease.