

Scientific Lead / Contact

Dr. Barbara Korousic Seljak

FNH-RI-SI focuses on solving open scientific questions by analysing linked food-, nutrition-, and health-related data

The main aim of FNH-RI-SI is to unify knowledge from the fields of Food, Nutrition, Biology and Health and to link these related data being gathered from diverse sources, in order to find answers to several open scientific questions from the fields of Food and Nutrition in relation to Health. Our scientific focus areas and the expected scientific breakthroughs include: consumer attitudes towards food safety and traceability, food reformulation, body composition, physical activity for health, physical fitness monitoring, physical activity and nutrion intervention, personalised nutrition, functional foods and food supplements. The FNH-RI-SI is at the very beginning of its development, as it has started with collaboration in 2019.

The partners have complementary expertise in Food Science, Nutrition Sciences, Biology and Medicine. Beside the major Slovenian Universities (University of Ljubljana, University of Maribor, and University of Primorska), the Slovenian consortium also includes three research institutes (Jožef Stefan Institute, Nutrition Institute, Institute for Quality R&D), the National Institute of Public Health, three hospitals (University Medical Centre, General Hospital Novo mesto) as well as two SMEs (GS1 Slovenia, Res-pons d.o.o.).
